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Service Level Agreements (SLAs) essentially express our commitment to deal with your IT problems and request within a contracted time frame. They demonstrate that we have an effective and seasoned process for providing IT support and that you can have trust in us.

Our SLAs depend on the accepted hours cover and the priority of your problem or request. We can offer bespoke SLAs to accommodate your wants – prolonged times of cover (national holidays, weekends, 24x7x365), distinctive speeds of response, priority, or cover for various types of equipment. Just ask!


Our SLA timers rely on the priority of your problem or request. When you raise a ticket with us, we make an evaluation based on the data you have provided us.

We inform you the priority we have specified, but are happy to take extenuating conditions into account if you deem we’ve got it wrong.

Priority is determined by two factors: severity and impact.


Roughly, this is how many people are disturbed by the incident, e.g.



One person or small crowd of people disturbed



Entire department or huge group of people disturbed



Whole organization is disturbed


Again, roughly, this recounts to how disruptive the incident is, e.g.



There’s an accessible and effective workaround, so this is more an annoyance than a stoppage



Operational performance is degraded, but there is either a reasonable workaround or other members of the team are unhampered



The issue is severe and one or more primary business processes are halted

Overriding Our Priorities

We strive to be flexible and recognize that seldom there are extenuating conditions; perhaps the problem affects your clients, or key staff is having issues with a decisive project with an approaching deadline.

Our engineers can override our conventional priority assessment when there is a good basis and if you have made us informed of it.

Three Clocks are Ticking

We have three clocks (timers) working on every ticket you raise, though most of our clients are only concerned about two of them (“respond within” and “resolve within”).


“Respond within…”

This is the highest amount of time (within your hours of cover) that it should take us to get back to you, and inform who is treating your ticket – you get to converse with a trained technical expert right away, rather than a recorded menu way or a call-logger.

Plan Icon

“Plan within…”

This is more for our use, to warrant that we’re on-spot to get the issue fixed in time.


“Resolve within…”

This is the one that everyone is really concerned about: the highest time it should take to get everything up and running.

These timers express maximums – we come great within these time limits.

In special cases, we will put a clock on hold – for instance when we are expecting a reply from you with a further report or consent for work that may have a brief impact on you or your business.


To help you approach your operational challenges, IBT offers varied levels of support services. Enterprise package renders an immediate response to incidents, ensuring high availability for your business-critical environments.

Multivendor Support

Are you thinking to migrate your storage arrangement that has reached vendor end of life but you require more time? With Multivendor Support, we can help keep your arrangement running at peak performance when you require extra time to plot your migration.

IBT global consultants present post-warranty support for your third-party systems, including hardware maintenance, parts replacement and software support.

Services Account Manager

As expertise and resources become rarer and increasingly harder to replace, IT units across the globe are looking at innovative ways to cope with resource captivity and the ever-changing needs of their businesses.

IBT is dedicated to supporting you overcome these barriers by providing access to our global supply of specialists to help augment your existing resources. With our Services Account Manager (SAM) resource option, you get a dedicated specialist to manage installation and control support issues that may arise. As a proponent, the SAM will break down roadblocks and promote transparency.

Data Security

Ensuring that your data is protected is one of the most complex challenges your company suffers today. IBT offers Data Security, a suite of services that covers Data and Media Eradication and Media Retention. Have the peace of mind you’re worthy of as you shield your important data and make sensitive information tight on hard disk drives.

Standard Reporting

Performance issues can critically affect your processes if they aren’t detached and diagnosed quickly. Take a proactive approach to recognizing potential issues with Standard Reporting. You get customized reports produced remotely, including static reports, web-based access, and remote installation.

With this valuable insight into your IT works, you can explore ways to lessen the time and resources required for management and monitoring.

When You Succeed, We Succeed

Our customers are at the core of everything we do at IBT. Delivering the seasoned support you need to be victorious is our most mattering objective.

Eliminate barriers to your progress with skilled technical assistance and personalized guidance.

Trust IBT to help protect your investment and keep your business up and running at peak performance.

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